
目前分類:礼物和血拼 (30)

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用了这么多个flyers 来包~

谢谢你哦~ 我回家拿这那盒糖果念给恩听,不可以吃太多,不然牙会痛,所以给了他一粒他就不敢再要了。。还有你送的零钱包,颜色很鲜艳,很可爱呢。。真的太谢谢你了!


leeanne113 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

我通常去吃麦当劳都是点开心餐, 因为有附送玩具。。
最近他家送的玩具我很喜欢,吉蒂猫手表,蓝精灵, 我都有。。不过我没疯狂到收集整套!

恩恩对这套玩具没兴趣, 买了看都不看。

有时上班同事叫我帮他叫mcd 外卖,我就顺便叫份happy meal..

现在我有着两款,觉得很可爱,就放在我的桌上陪我做工, 闷的时候看看也会开心~

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因为刚过完新年元气大伤, 所以不敢再叫他买情人节礼物。。


9月去上海买给我的gucci 皮夹, 我生日送我的 SE X10 mini pro, 还有逛街看到便宜的DC..(我现在用着的被恩恩弄坏了)-这个就当是情人节礼物吧!!


** 我好像什么都没买,除了新年买给他的皮包。。


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Yesterday received this mini cards from supplier...but not for me :-(
Only to my manager & GM..
my colleagues saw it ask me go2 get more sets from supplier, juz now I already email her, she said will prepare another 3sets to us, very paiseh!!!

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all items for CNY hubby, myself n my little abbie~
little abbie have alots, but I din take photos..:P

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Subscribe a magazine from 教總﹐ 孩子.
Is a good magazine on 育兒﹐教育﹐健康資訊。
I subscribe from a member in anggugu, and she informed that subscriber on Nov will have a chance to take part in lucky draw to win a education story programme.

I not really remember about it and on 26.01.10 I received a message saying that I won the lucky draw. At the time I not really believe and till I go2 forum check the thread, found some of subscriber also got the message n I try to call, is true!! yeah yeah!!

And I got the prize yesterday!!

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These dress n shirt bought online..n all free size..I can't wear :-(
all now sell RM25(include pos express)

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bought from cari ailing~ 2 for RM15

These are the things I bought last month n this month...

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BUDS sample

received sample from Buds, free gift from Mamil Mama club, souvenior from sister, coulleagues ,frenz wedding..

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